There she blows…

People talk too much. Too many words, too few thoughts. Too much clatter, too little substance. Too much talking, too little action.

Words fuel the action, thus they fuel the world. But what happens if they don’t? They become empty, meaningless and vague. Vague statements. Vague sounds to keep silence in front of the door.

Being a new blog, this place is going to feel vague too. It will be a scrapyard of thoughts, ideas, reflections and…yeah, you’ve guessed it – vague statements. It is going to be like a young brook. Flowing feebly in many directions trying to find its way it will grow wider and stronger, finally becoming a river.

And what can you expect when sailing with me? Well, unnecessarities, silliness, injustice and similar topics. Topics we all know something about, but all of us in different ways. This gives us an amazing opportunity to think about deeper meaning in the ideas (if there is going to be any), and, what’s more important, we can unveil the moving forces behind them. Why do people say the things they say? Why do people act like they do? We will try to find out.

I can’t guarantee you will leave here with more answers than questions. That’s simply because of the complex nature and plethora of factors affecting the issues discussed. But hey, little brain food never hurts!

And who am I to dare to venture into such wild, unknown waters? An aspiring human being. A young man who tends to keep his thoughts to himself, yet (finally) trying to shape them into presentable and clear form (who usually doesn’t refer to himself in third person, too). And why am I doing this?

Because that’s the least I can do…